Westlake Boys High School

Join Us at our annual opening evening - Thursday, 1 August. No registration necessary, all welcome. School Tours start from 6pm.

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Our vision 

Our vision for Openground is to be recognised as the ‘benchmark’ for learning entrepreneurship and business in New Zealand secondary schools.

Openground provides a supportive environment that nurtures Year 13 students' entrepreneurial skills, encourages their personal growth, and equips them with the confidence and knowledge needed to pursue their entrepreneurial endeavours. Here's how:

  • Openground provides practical experience - by creating and running actual business ventures, students gain first hand exposure to the challenges and responsibilities of entrepreneurship. 
  • Each Openground student is matched with a mentor.

  • We have access to high calibre guest speakers who bring real-world experience and insights, providing invaluable inspiration and knowledge to Openground students.  

  • Access to funding - during the programme, we conduct 1-2 Dragons’ Den events, where students are given the opportunity to pitch for legitimate funding

  • Openground is managed by Ant Ford, who has over 25 years business experience which provides him a deep understanding of business & entrepreneurship and the ability to share real-world experiences and knowledge.

  • Openground provides a fast moving and well-designed curriculum

  • Students get the required time - they spend two periods per day in Openground, during which Business Studies Level 3 is delivered.

  • Openground is located in what is arguably the best space in the school - a kitchen with a flash coffee machine, great aircon and plenty of space.

Students don’t necessarily need to come up with a completely new business idea – it might be introducing innovation to an existing business. Students can work in groups or on their own

This year we have 20 business ventures - ranging from designing cutting-edge apps, to providing home maintenance solutions to selling oversized mouse pads or high quality, wearable pop culture driven merchandise. 

For more information, contact Ant Ford  [email protected] or 027 5408396.