In Zone Enrolments
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Students entering Year 9 and 10 have the opportunity to apply for a place in the Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna Māori Immersion Class. Whānau who have a passion for the te reo me ngā tikanga are encouraged to apply.

After you have submitted the In Zone application you will need to bring your son to Westlake Boys for an interview.  Please check the In Zone Interview dates and times (no appointments are given) and refer to the Enrolment Checklist to help you compile the supporting documents that are required to complete your son’s enrolment.  You will not be able to proceed to an interview if you don’t have all your supporting documents with you on the interview day.

Year 9 Interviews

The Year 9 Curriculum will be discussed and your son will have the opportunity to select a language and apply to do a full-year Music course should he be interested.

Important Information for In Zone Students:


Westlake Boys High School follows strictly the Ministry of Education guidelines regarding entrance into our school. If a student of high school age lives in our zone, he is entitled to attend our school in accordance with our Enrolment Scheme. Please see our website for details of this scheme and of how we define “living in zone”.

Applications for In Zone places can only be accepted once the boy is living in the school zone with his parent(s) or legal guardian.

Please note that:

  • ‘living in the school zone’ means that a student has his main residence in the school zone.
  • the school will not accept the temporary transference of guardianship to someone living in zone as evidence that a student is living in zone with his parent(s) or legal guardian.
  • submitting an enrolment application does not confirm an enrolment at Westlake Boys High School. ‘Enrolment’ occurs when attendance at the School commences and the student is first marked present on the school roll.

The School may actively collect information and make all enquiries necessary in its opinion to ensure that enrolment details contained in the enrolment application are accurate.

School Donation

The 2025 school donation is $675 for one boy and $900 for two or more boys.

Supporting Documentation

Please double-check you have all your supporting documents with you at the In Zone Interview Day. You now have the option to attach certain documents to the online application form.  An enrolment application will only be processed when it is complete. An application is considered complete when all sections are answered and ALL certified supporting documents, including the Statutory Declaration are received. Certified means that a copy of a document and its original are presented to a Justice of the Peace or Solicitor so that it can be verified as a true copy. Additional documentation may be requested if proof of living in zone is inconclusive and will be required before an application can proceed.

Documentation Requirements for an In Zone Enrolment:

All Students

  • Copy of full birth certificate (in English) showing parents’ names (unabridged) or a copy of the family register if no birth certificate

NZ & Australian Citizens

  • Copy of New Zealand or Australian passport (photo page) or NZ citizenship certificate

All other students

  • Certified copy of passport (photo page) and Residency Visa or domestic Student Visa, together with parents’ passports and residency or work visas.

Documents required to support the in-zone address: 

  • Westlake Boys High School’s Statutory Declaration completed and signed by a Solicitor or Justice of the Peace
  • Copy of your most recent electricity invoice (all pages) showing the supply address
  • Copy of your most recent telephone (landline) or broadband invoice (all pages)


If you are living in rented accommodation

  • A copy of your Tenancy Agreement. The minimum tenancy for initial enrolment is a one-year fixed-term agreement covering the student’s first year at Westlake Boys High School.
  • A copy of your bond receipt letter from Tenancy Services confirming lodgement of the bond (ph 0800 737 666 to request a copy)

OR: If you are living in your own home

  • A copy of your most recent Auckland Council General Rates notice or Water Rates; OR
  • If the purchase has been within the last 3 months, a copy of the solicitor’s settlement letter
  • Trust property: you must provide written evidence of the Trustees names and include a declaration from the Trustees declaring a right to occupy the property
  • Company property: you must provide written evidence of the named Directors and include a declaration confirming the right to occupy the property

Have you moved from Out of Zone to In Zone in the past 12 months?

If you have moved from an out of zone property you owned to the enrolment address in the past 12 months, you will need to provide written proof of what has happened to your previous address i.e. sold or rented out, including a copy of the final electricity reading.

If you have moved in zone from a rented property then you will need to provide a copy of the Bond Refund Form from Tenancy Services.

Moving out of the School Zone after enrolling at Westlake Boys High School

Because only a student who lives in the home zone is entitled to enrol at Westlake Boys High School and because the Board of Trustees has the statutory power to annul the enrolment in certain circumstances, all changes to the student’s usual place of residence when the School is open for instruction must be immediately notified to the School in writing. Where permission is being sought for the student to remain at the School, the application must be made in writing prior to the move taking place.

Withdrawing an Enrolment at Westlake Boys High School

If the parents/caregivers decide not to accept an Offer of Place for their son, or later change their mind, and have paid the School Donation, a refund can be requested from the School Cashier provided the original school receipt is returned. 

Please read the Westlake Boys High School enrolment FAQs, and check that you are in zone.

Enrolment FAQs

School zone

2023 Prospectus

Enrolment Form