Westlake Boys High School

Join Us at our annual opening evening - Thursday, 1 August. No registration necessary, all welcome. School Tours start from 6pm.

Future Sport
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Designed for those students who wish to blend their passion for sport with a fulfilling career in the sports industry. The vision for Future Sport is to develop confident, students of character who can make their mark in the sports industry and in a supportive nurturing environment it will equip students with the skills, knowledge, and industry insights to identify their unique pathway in the sports industry. 

It will do this through guided research, expert talks and site visits that encourages the personal growth needed to pursue their sporting endeavours. Here’s how:  

  • Talks by industry experts, and Westlaker alumni to gain real world insights into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in sport.  
  • Engage in site visits to see sports professionals in action.  
  • Explore different pathways and identify points of entry.  
  • Spend time discovering and growing your core strengths for a diverse career in sport.  
  • Developing career centric processes like CV writing, goal setting, interviewing and brand development.  

Future Sport is managed by Paul Strang who has over 25 years sports experience providing him with a deep understanding of the sports landscape.

Students will get two lessons day to focus on their subject. The time will be allocated between Level 3 Physical Education and sports specific education.   

Potential career opportunities:  

  • Sports Management & Administration  
  • Coaching & Athlete Development  
  • Sports Marketing & Branding  
  • Event Management & Sponsorship  
  • Sports Analytics & Data Analysis  
  • Sports Retail & Merchandising  
  • Sports Media and Journalism  
  • Sports Medicine & Holistic Wellness  

Designed for those students who wish to blend their passion for sport with a fulfilling career in the sports industry the vision for Future Sport is to develop confident, students of character who can make their mark in the sports industry.  Future Sport will equip students with the skills, knowledge, and industry insights to identify their unique pathway in the sports industry.