Westlake Boys High School

Join Us at our annual opening evening - Thursday, 1 August. No registration necessary, all welcome. School Tours start from 6pm.

Elevate Programme
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The Programme Overview 

The Elevate Programme is Westlake Boys’ bespoke Year 11 curriculum. It is a holistic curriculum which will engage our students in all aspects of school life and rigorously prepare them for NCEA Level 2 in Year 12. We believe that our students should experience a broad curriculum which includes learning in and outside the classroom, and subsequently we expect students to be involved in the many opportunities our school has to offer, making Westlake a great place to learn. 

To be awarded an Elevate Certificate students will be expected to participate in school-wide events, take part in a music, sporting, or cultural endeavour, as well as a community or charity initiative. A high level of attendance and effort in class will also be required. Completion of the entire year’s study is a requirement to receive an Elevate Certificate. 

Our Year 11 subjects are designed by our subject experts and aim to be engaging whilst providing support and extension for students. The New Zealand Curriculum is at the heart of our subject design, and our planning was informed by the new NCEA material available, including mātauranga Māori. Extension pathways will be available in all areas of the curriculum and are designed to prepare students to sit Scholarship exams in Year 13. Assessment formats will be varied and include coursework and examination components. The Learning Centre continues to work with students who need additional support. The International and ESOL Departments support international students with their English language skills as they transition to senior courses. 

Te Whānau Rūmaki o te Puna will work towards a parallel Hīkina Certificate, studying Te Ao Haka, Te Reo Māori, Pāngarau, Te reo Pākehā, and Sociology and Physical Activity, and an additional subject choice. 

Elevate Programme Key Features
  •  A full year of study – increased teaching and learning time
  • Balance between academic and extra-curricular activities
  • Compulsory English, Mathematics, Physical Activity, and Sociology
  • Three guided subject choices
  • Westlake designed assessments
  • Rigorous preparation while maintaining breadth
  • Co-requisite requirements for an Elevate Certificate:
    • Participation in school events
    • Commitment in a music/sporting/cultural endeavour
    • High attendance 
    • Satisfactory effort grades 
    • Participation in a community or charity initiative 

Rationale for Change

Since 2018, Westlake has been following the NCEA changes closely. In Late 2021 the decision was made to adopt our own assessments and to broaden what we expect from our students. Our Elevate subjects for Year 11 have been informed by the national conversation around Level 1 changes and incorporate the best parts of the new NCEA material with what we know about engaging and teaching boys. By using our own assessments, we keep Year 11 students in school for more of Term 4 and ensure students cannot opt-out of units of work. Furthermore, very few students do not attain Level 1 currently, and almost all go on to achieve a Level 2 certificate. NCEA Level 2 is, therefore, the new education benchmark and removing Level 1 in favour of our own program will not impact on students’ future options, but will instead help them prepare more rigorously for success in Level 2. 

We have taken this opportunity to build more into the Year 11 program that we know to be of value to boys’ education. Elevate takes them beyond the traditional classroom learning of subject content to help our boys develop into healthy and responsible young men who are positive participants in their community. 

Elevate Subjects
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Sociology
  • Physical Activity
  • Science
  • Investigative Science (Extension)
  • Digital Technologies
  • Design and Visual Communication
  • Food and Hospitality
  • Makerspace
  • Robotics
  • Visual Arts
  • Drama and Theatre Arts
  • Contemporary Music
  • Music
  • Te Ao Haka
  • Te Reo Maori
  • Languages: French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Spanish
  • Commerce
  • Geography
  • Media Studies
  • History
  • Physical Education
  • Physical Education with Academy
    • Rugby
    • Basketball
    • Cricket
    • Football
    • Hockey